Released in 2007, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a first-person shooter survival horror game that takes players on a haunting...
Survival Horror
Intro Dying Light, developed by Techland and released in 2015, is an open-world survival horror game that takes place in...
Introduction: The Forest is a highly immersive and intense survival game that plunges players into a mysterious and dangerous world....
When it comes to interactive storytelling, Until Dawn stands out as a masterclass in immersing players in a heart-pounding and...
A Battle for Survival: Reviewing The Last of Us and Its Emotional Impact Released in 2013, The Last of Us...
Review: Facing Demons: A Deep Dive Into Dark Souls' Challenging World Dark Souls is a game known for its punishing...
Released in 2019, Metro Exodus is the third installment in the critically acclaimed Metro series by 4A Games. Set in...
DOOM 3, released in 2004, is arguably one of the most iconic and influential first-person shooter (FPS) games ever created....
Dead Space, developed by Visceral Games and released in 2008, is a game that takes the horror genre to new...
Outlast is a psychological horror game that sends shivers down your spine from start to finish. Developed by Red Barrels,...